Dr. Xander Wang, the Director of the Climate Smart Lab, along with four members of the lab, actively participated in the CWRA 2023 National Conference held in Halifax, Nova Scotia from June 18-21, 2023. The conference, attended by numerous individuals from academia, industry, and public sectors across Canada, focused on the theme “RISING WITH THE TIDE: WORKING TOGETHER TO ADDRESS WATER RESOURCE CHALLENGES.”

Dr. Xander Wang delivered a talk at CWRA 2023

During the conference, Dr. Xander Wang delivered a talk titled “Pluvial flood mapping for Prince Edward Island”, Farhan Aziz delivered a presentation titled “Compound Urban Flood Risk Assessment for the City of Charlottetown”, and Muhammad Qasim Mahmood showcased a poster titled “Assessing Groundwater Level Dynamics using SARIMA Time Series Analysis, A Case Study of Georgetown, PEI”.

Apart from their presentations, Dr. Quan Dau, Dr. Aminur Shah, Farhan Aziz, and Muhammad Qasim Mahmood also volunteered their time and expertise to support the organization of the conference.