Alex Anuta

Email: Alex Anuta joins the Climate Smart Lab as a Master’s student in Environmental Sciences at the University of Prince Edward Island. Alex previously completed a Bachelor of Science with a Major in Biology at the same university, where he gained valuable experience in proteomics, genetics, and biomedical research. Read more…

Quantitative Assessment of The Group of Seven’s Collaboration in Sustainable Development Goals

A research team from the UPEI, including Dr. Liu Kai, Ali Raisolsadat, Dr. Xiuquan Wang and Dr. Quan Dau, carried out a study on the Quantitative Assessment of The Group of Seven’s Collaboration in Sustainable Development Goals, which was recently accepted for publication on the Nature Communications journal. Abstract Strengthening Read more…

Landcover-based Detection of Rapid Impacts of Extreme Storm on Coastal Landscape

Members of Climate Smart Lab, Tianze Pang, Xiuquan Wang, Sana Basheer, and Ryan Guild have recently published a study, “Landcover-based detection of rapid impacts of extreme storm on coastal landscape,” in “The Science of The Total Environment” journal. Abstract On September 24, 2022, Post-Tropical Hurricane Fiona made landfall in Atlantic Read more…

Evaluating the Sustainability of Groundwater Abstraction in Small Watersheds Using Time Series Analysis

Members of Climate Smart Lab, Muhammad Qasim Mahmood, Dr. Xander Wang, Farhan Aziz, and Tianze Pang have recently published a study, “Evaluating the sustainability of groundwater abstraction in small watersheds using time series analysis,” in “Groundwater for Sustainable Development” journal. Abstract Groundwater is crucial in meeting the water needs of Read more…