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Dr. Quan Dau is a sessional instructor and postdoctoral research associate at the Canadian Centre for Climate Change and Adaptation, University of Prince Edward Island, Canada. He has a Ph.D. in Civil Engineering from Khon Kaen University and has worked as a research assistant at the Water Resources and Environmental Institute in Thailand, a research associate at Heriot-Watt University in the United Kingdom, a postdoctoral fellow at the National Research Institute of Agriculture-Food-Environment in France, and a consultant at UNESCO Vietnam. Dr. Dau’s research mainly focuses on water science and global climate change, including the hydrological cycle, water resources planning and management, remote sensing, artificial intelligence, climate change adaptation, irrigation water management, socio-economic projection, and reservoir operating management.


Program & Events Coordinator: CSCE PEI Section
Assistant Editor: Bulletin of Sigma Academy
Secretariat: PEOPLE 2022 International Conference
Technician: CWRA 2023 National Conference

Teaching Courses

ENV 2130/BIO 2130 – Integrated Watershed Management
ENV 3320 – Environmental Innovation and Change Management
ENV 2040 – Methods of Environmental Inquiry
ACC 3010 – Global Climate Systems/Science
ACC 4020 (1/2) – Uncertainty and Probability in Climate Change (class+LAB)


Zhang S, Wang X, Kinay P, Dau Q. (2024). Climate Change Impacts on Potato Storage. Foods. 13(7):1119.

Wang, X; Dau Q.V; Aziz, F. (2023). Real-time peak flow prediction based on signal matching. Environmental Modelling & Software, 172, 105926.

Dau, Q.V.; Wang, X.; Shah, M.A.R.; Kinay, P.; Basheer, S. (2023). Assessing the Potential Impacts of Climate Change on Current Coastal Ecosystems—A Canadian Case Study. Remote Sens15, 4742.

Adeloye J.A. & Dau Q.V. (2023). A systems-based probing of climate and societal perturbations on water resources management. Development in Environmental Science, 14, 107-124.

Dau, Q.V., Kangrang, A., Kuntiyawichai, K. (2023). Probability-based rule curves for multi-purpose reservoir system in the Seine river basin, France. Water15, 1732.

Rustum R, Adeloye JA. & Dau Q.V. (2022). Water resource planning and climate change. Water and Climate Change. p. 27-40.

Dau Q.V & Adeloye A. (2021). Influence of reservoir joint operation on performance of the Pong-Bhakra multipurpose, multi-reservoir system in northern India. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 147(11): 04021076

Dau Q.V & Adeloye A. (2021). Water security implications of climate and socio-economic stressors. Hydrological Sciences Journal. 66:7, 1097-1112

Dau Q.V, Momblanch A. & Adeloye A. (2021). Adaptation in a Himalayan water resources system under a sustainable socio-economic pathway in a high-emission context. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 26(3), 04021003, 1-21.

Dau Q.V,Kuntiyawichai K & Adeloye JA. (2021)Future changes in water availability due to climate change projections for Huong Basin, Vietnam. Environ. Process. 877–98

Dau Q.V., Kuntiyawichai, K. (2021). Potential impacts of climate and socio-economic changes on future water demand in the Himalayas, India. Geographia Technica, 16(2):1-8.

→  More Contribution

Dau Q.V & Kuntiyawichai K. (2020). Identifying adaptive reservoir operation for future climate change scenarios: A case study in Central Vietnam. Water Resources, 47(2): 189-199.

Adeloye JA & Dau Q.V. (2019). Hedging as an adaptive measure for climate change induced water shortage at the Pong reservoir in the Indus Basin Beas River, India. Science of the Total Environment, 687: 554-566.

Adeloye JA, Wuni I, Dau Q.V, Soundharajan B-S, Kasiviswanathan KS. (2019). Height-Area-Storage functional models for evaporation loss inclusion in reservoir planning analysis. Water, 11, 1413.

Dau Q.V, Kuntiyawichai K, & Fransiscus XS. (2018). Drought severity assessment in the lower Nam Phong river basin, Thailand. Songklanakarin Journal of Science and Technology, 40(4):985-992.

Dau Q.V, Kuntiyawichai K, & Vichian P. (2017). Quantification of flood damage under potential climate change impacts in Central Vietnam. Irrigation and Drainage, 66(5): 842-853.

Kuntiyawichai K, Dau Q.V, & Saengdavanh I. (2017). Community engagement for irrigation water management in Lao PDR. Journal of Water and Land Development, No.35: 121-128.

Kuntiyawichai K, Vichian P, Ramasamy J, & Dau Q.V. (2017). Climate change vulnerability for the Greater Mekong Sub-region. CMU Journal of Natural Science. 16(3):165-173.

Kuntiyawichai K. Dau Q.V, Winai S, & Fransiscus XS. (2016). An assessment of flood hazard and risk zoning in the lower Nam Phong river basin. International Journal of Technology, 7: 1117-1124.

Dau Q.V & Kuntiyawichai K. (2015). An assessment potential of climate change impacts on flood risk in Central Vietnam. European Scientific Journal, 11(10): 667-681


Dau Q.V, Dorchies, D. Bader, J. (2021). Many-objective risk assessment framework for guiding operational decisions on multiple reservoirs. EGU General Assembly.

Dau Q.V & Adeloye JA. (2020). Effects of climate and socio-economic changes on basin water resources management: A case study in the Beas-Sutlej River Basin, India. Book Chapter: Hydrology and Water Resources In Nigeria, Nigeria Hydrological Services Agency (NIHSA) – ISSN:231-6686, pp.141-158

Dau Q.V & Adeloye JA (2020). Understanding the effects of climate change and socio-economic changes in water allocation adaptation in Indian Himalayas. Water Conclave, Roorkee, India. Link

Dau Q.V & Kuntiyawichai K. (2016). Potential impacts of climate change on reservoir flood control in the Huong river basin, Vietnam. Proceeding in 4th APG Symposium and 9th EADC. Hokkaido, Japan, pp. 41-46 Link

Kuntiyawichai K, Vichian P, Ramasamy J, & Dau Q.V. (2015). Climate change vulnerability mapping for Greater Mekong Sub-region. Final Report: TH/SC/15-01, UNESCO Library, Thailand, 49p Link


Optimised reservoir Download and Mannual

Reservoir management dashboard Tried version and Final version

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